Arresto Momentum is a Harry Potter Roleplay site which focuses on the lives of the Wizarding World after the war has been won on Halloween 1996. Will old fueds remain the same between the houses or will they take a step forward to become friends this time? Rumour has it that the children of death eaters are planning to break into Azkaban. Will they succeed ?
Hogwarts School of Wizardry is ready to open it's doors for this academical year. The students have got their school books list for the academic year, many are surprised with the addition of two new electives, Alchemy and Magical Items & Devices. Prefects, Quidditch Captains and heads have been decided and badges are sent trhough mail.
Diagon Alley is filled with students and parents alike and Gringotts is seeing a huge number of people walking in. Many of the shops have hired a few extra hands to help out in the rush hour.
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Special thanks to registered members of Adoxography, Gangnam Style, Pixel Perfect and Proboards Support.
Coming about abilities are not easy. so not everyone will get them. we will take under consideration if you will get the ability/species you have asked for. whether you do or not, you will receive a pm to let you know if you have or not, so you don't go around role playing as you do, if you where not accepted. Only after the application is accepted you can apply for an ability.
so, just use the code below and post in this thread only. we will review your application and then make a decision.
Animagus is an ability rarely attempted and something which takes years to learn. While James Potter and his friends attempted it, it would not do good for every student to become a animagus. So we request that only be sixth or seventh years, go for it.
Metamorphagi are born with the ability, and this is something that cannot be learned. And a big no to muggleborn metamorphagi, as such case is not simply possible considering the problems it would create if the child starts changing hair color or such which would be totally unexplained to muggles
occulmens and legilimens are quite high level abilities and as such will be closely monitored. Remember that Harry himself could not master it even with the pressure of Voldemort getting inside his head. As of now, we only allow characters who are above 20 years will be accepted to have occulmens and 25 years to be a legilimens.
Parsletongue is an ability only Harry Potter posses. And there is a chance that blood related relatives of his characters might have inherited this ability.
Seers/ Clairvoyants are a gifted wizard or witch who has the ability to see into the future with their Inner Eye. Seers predict prophecies, which are then recorded and stored in the Hall of Prophecy in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. seeing into the future is incredibly difficult because of the complexity of every single action and their consequences. Seer ability is hereditary and as such a few can receive small signs and can give out a prophesy at times if they are half or quarter seers. we will be closely monitoring these entries.
Now, if you have any questions, PLEASE ask, don't just assume or guess.
Please fill out the below code,
[b]Character Name :[/b]@user [b] ability :[/b] [b] description :[/b] how they come to learn it or acquire it..provide a post(situation) for us on how they would be feeling.. if an animagus then provide us how they turn into their animal form and what it feels like.. if a seer, then give us an account of one of the times when they get glimpses or such.. if a metamorpahagi then provide us how your character's emotions effect their abilities
Character Name :@draco ability : occlumens description: Before the battle and during the time his mother had been taken by Bellatrix, he went to Severus Snape and asked him to teach him occlumency so that his Aunt Bellatrix nor anyone else could get into his mind and see the doubts and worries in his head about the Death Eaters in general. A natural at it, he quickly managed to learn the skill due to the fact he had learned how to shut down his compassion in order to be the absolute bully he had been in the past. It was due to this ability that he learned before the battle that he was able to hide his doubts and worries when the battle came around and he did not want to fight at all, fought only the bare minimum he had to in order to make sure his mother was safe. That was really all he cared about and if the death eaters had learned he did not believe in their goals nor did he want anything to do with them, he likely would have been capture like his mother or killed for being a 'blood-traitor'.