Arresto Momentum is a Harry Potter Roleplay site which focuses on the lives of the Wizarding World after the war has been won on Halloween 1996. Will old fueds remain the same between the houses or will they take a step forward to become friends this time? Rumour has it that the children of death eaters are planning to break into Azkaban. Will they succeed ?
Hogwarts School of Wizardry is ready to open it's doors for this academical year. The students have got their school books list for the academic year, many are surprised with the addition of two new electives, Alchemy and Magical Items & Devices. Prefects, Quidditch Captains and heads have been decided and badges are sent trhough mail.
Diagon Alley is filled with students and parents alike and Gringotts is seeing a huge number of people walking in. Many of the shops have hired a few extra hands to help out in the rush hour.
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Special thanks to registered members of Adoxography, Gangnam Style, Pixel Perfect and Proboards Support.
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